Healthcare in Numbers

Compare and analyse the most recent health-related data sourced from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) database. Use our comparative analysis tool to assess a wide range of parameters across OECD member countries, encompassing aspects such as health expenditure, health status, non-medical determinants of health, healthcare resources, and healthcare utilisation.

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This category encompasses the general aspects of healthcare, including citisens satisfaction and practising physicians.

Health spending as a percentage of GDP measures the final consumption of health care goods and services (i.e., current health expenditure) including personal health care (curative care, rehabilitative care, long-term care, ancillary services, and medical goods) and collective services (prevention and public health services as well as health administration) but excluding spending on investments.

Health status refers to a population's overall condition of well-being, encompassing various physical, mental, social, and functional aspects of health.

Risk factors for health examines the non-mediacal determinants of health by comparing alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption (smoking), body weight (incidence of obesity or overweight) and exposure to air pollution among countries.

Healthcare utilisation in the context of consultations specifically refers to the act of seeking medical advice, evaluation, or expertise from a healthcare professional, typically a doctor or specialist.

These datasets provides statistics on healthcare resources in large (TL2) and small regions (TL3) when available. Indicators include doctors, practicing nurses, hospital beds, and hospital discharges. Regions are subnational units below national boundaries, with OECD countries divided into large (TL2) and small (TL3) regions.

Satisfaction with healthcare system, Percentage of respondents satisfied, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Government

Practicing physicians, Per 1 000 inhabitants, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Government

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Expenditure, Percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health expenditure and financing

Self reported absence from work due to illness, number of days lost per person per year, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Avoidable mortality (preventable + treatable), deaths per 100,000 population (standardised rates), 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Malignant neoplasms, incidence per 100 000 population, 2012 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

All causes of death, deaths per 100 000 population (standardised rates), 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Low birthweight, % of total live births, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Injuries in road traffic accidents, injured per million population, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Total life expectancy, Years, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Life expectancy difference (female-male), Years, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Infant mortality, deaths per 1,000 live births, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Neonatal mortality, Deaths per 1 000 live births, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Perinatal mortality, Perinatal mortality, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Maternal mortality, Deaths per 1,000 live births, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Good/very good health - total aged 15+, % of population (crude rate), 2019 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Fair (not good, not bad) health - total aged 15+, % of population (crude rate), 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Bad/very bad health - total aged 15+, % of population (crude rate), 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

All causes of death, years lost /100,000 population - aged 75 years old, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health Status

Obese population measured, % of total population, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Risk factors for health

Alcohol consumption, litres per capita (15+), 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Risk factors for health

Tabacco consumption, % of population aged 15+ who are daily smokers, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Risk factors for health

Mean population-weighted exposure, Microgrammes per cubic metre, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Risk factors for health

Total, number per capita, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Healthcare Utilisation

Total, number per capita, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Healthcare Utilisation

Total, number per capita, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Healthcare Utilisation

Total, number per capita, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Healthcare Utilisation

All causes, days, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Healthcare Utilisation

Active physicians, Per 1000 inhabitants, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

Practising nurses, Per 1000 inhabitants, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

Hospitals beds, Per 1000 inhabitants, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

Hospital discharges, Discharges per 100 000, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

Health insurance coverage (Government/compulsory health insurance), Percentage of population, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

Health insurance coverage (Public and primary voluntary health insurance), Percentage of population, 2020 or latest available

Source: OECD - Health care - Regions

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