Health Equity
Inequality in health has large negative consequences for both the individual and society. Low educational level, low income, unemployment, and social exclusion are all factors associated with increased morbidity, shortened lifespan, and reduced quality of life. Geography can also be a factor when it comes to inequality in health, and it is a continued focus to ensure equal access to universal high-quality treatment in all parts of Denmark.
Equal and free access to public healthcare has been part of the Danish healthcare policy for many years. This has, among other things, contributed to securing equal access to public healthcare for everyone with the same needs.
Even though there is equal access to treatment and care in Denmark there is an inequality in the prevalence of diseases and use of healthcare services among the population. Health literacy refers to the ability of the individual to find, understand and act on information regarding their own health. To secure health for all citizens, it is important that the healthcare system focus on health equity by adjusting support and services to the individual citizen’s life-situation and resources and ultimately strengthening the health status of vulnerable groups. Equitable healthcare services can additionally lead to a more resource efficient healthcare system.
The Danish approach to achieve equity in health includes, among others, efforts to increase healthcare literacy responsiveness in the healthcare system. In 2022, the Danish Health Authority published a report, which identifies concrete cases that promote equity in health and health literacy responsiveness in the Danish healthcare system. Read more in the report below.

Health Literacy in Danish Health Care Organisations
Health Literacy in Danish Health Care Organisations - A path towards equity.