National strongholds in Danish healthcare and life science

Discover the innovative powerhouses of Danish healthcare and life science, leading the way in cutting-edge research and patient-centric solutions. Join us on a journey to uncover Denmark's national strongholds.

Our strongholds

Chronic Diseases

The Danish approach to chronic diseases is focused on prevention and early detection with personalised care at the center.


The Danish IT-infrastructure allows digital access to healthcare records, data sharing and cross-sectoral collaboration.


E-Health Coherent Healthcare Healthcare Data

Elderly Care

The ambition is to empower elderly citizens and improve quality of life through a citizen-centred approach.


Assisted Living Rehabilitation


The future hospital landscape in Denmark focus on continued specialisation and flexibility to improve patient outcomes.


Hospital Logistics Emergency Medical Services Hospital Construction


Denmark is an international frontrunner in developing innovations within healthcare.


RoboticsDecentralised Clinical TrialsPublic-Private Partnerships

Mental Health

The Danish approach to mental health focus on prevention, early diagnosis and destigmatisation.

Population Health

The Danish healthcare system advances well-being and equity through universal coverage and free and equal access.


Health Equity Prevention General Practitioners Pandemic Response

Public-Private Partnerships

The Danish approach to public-private partnerships prioritises inclusivity, bringing together a diverse range of public and private stakeholders from the government, regions, municipalities, academia, the healthcare sector including hospitals, and companies.


Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen Lighthouse Life Science National Genome Center


Danish approach prioritizes researching sustainable healthcare solutions for effective implementation in a busy day-to-day life.


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